Advisory Board Member
Sean McAllister

Sean McAllister
Advisory Board Member
Sean T. McAllister is an attorney specializing in the regulatory, business, and religious freedom aspects of psychedelic medicines and therapies. His work in psychedelics has included: Advising doctors, therapists and licensed professional on psychedelic assisted therapy; Advising clients on what is allowed in cities that have decriminalized psychedelics; Advising clients looking to obtain a religious exemption from criminal law for the use of psychedelics under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Seeking DEA licensure for companies to manufacture Schedule I drugs lawfully in the United States; Steering committee member on Colorado’s Proposition 122 Natural Medicine Health Act; Executive Officer of the Denver Psilocybin Mushroom Policy Review Panel; Co-counsel for Church of the Eagle and the Condor in a lawsuit against DEA to gain recognition as an ayahuasca church; General Counsel for of the non-profit organization Zendo Project Inc.; Chair of the Board of Directors for the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines; and Board of Directors of the Board of Psychedelic Medicine and Therapies. Sean is licensed to practice law in Colorado and California.